Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas at Home 2012

We were so richly blessed this Christmas because of the love and generosity of family and friends.

Our radiator on the car was fixed, the kids got new shoes (two of them got boots), and we all get to go bike riding as a family again.  With cash they received we all voted on putting it in an envelope to go towards a family vacation, camping in the Spring.  This year we weren't able to go camping and we are all excited that we will get to go in the coming year!  This was in itself answer to prayers and we were so grateful!  Can you believe it though there was more....  Words can not describe the love we felt nor express our gratitude to God, our family and friends.  Thank you to each of you.

I have to say a special thank you to our daughter, Hannah, for really putting so much thought, heart, and her own money to make a special Christmas for her family.  We have such beautiful treasures,  our babies are so special and I thank God for choosing us to be their parents. Our family is truly rich in love!!

Surprised at the gifts.
Lots of craft and learning toys to keep me busy.
Thank you Grandma and Papa!

 Art pencils for one of our little artist from my aunt.
 Lauren made this ring for Hannah.
 I don't own a black purse and wanted one.
   I jokingly asked Hannah for her purse one day. 
Well she wrapped hers up and gave it to me for Christmas.
 Hannah knows how much Micah likes spy stuff right now,
so she gave Micah her spy gear.
 Hannah bought this necklace for Lauren.  She saw her admiring it at Missy T's. 
They often take bike rides there together and admire the jewelery. 
 Lauren is our hostess.  She loves to serve company
hot tea.  She served tea to a friend one day when
she came over and it just touched her heart.  She
found this tea pot and thought of Lauren.  Lauren said, "I'm putting
it up so know one breaks it."  She removed my belongings from a
cabinet and placed her tea pot there instead.
 Hannah bought Lexi bubbles at the dollar store.
Lexi says, "This is just the sweetest gift." Then
hugs Hannah.  I wish I had a recorder.  It was with such
sincerity and thankfulness.  She really loved it.
 My friend knows my love for birds.  She found these vintage bird cards.
Lexi and I will enjoy admiring them and learning more about each bird.
 My friend knows me well.  I love old and I love nature.
This is a vintage butterfly game.  I can't wait to play with Lexi.
 Hannah's gift to Tray and I.
 This puppy was given to my oldest a few years
back from my grandpa who went to be with the Lord this year.
Hannah has passed the gift on to Lexi.
 Micah's new bike thanks to my aunt.
 Hannah's bike was stolen and we were
blessed by friends with a new one.

 Oh My!!
It's new panties and yes she is hugging them.

Our little ninja, it's just what he wanted.
Lauren's caboodle and make-up for dress up play.
Another favorite that the whole family can enjoy together was a basketball goal. 
This has been fun!
Mommy and Daddy's gift to Hannah.
A cross to remember to live for Christ. A horse-her love,
a heart for the Christ love and compassion she gives to others.
Mommy and Daddy's gift to Lauren.
She has begun to love playing in make-up and dressing up.
We wanted to impress on her heart that though she is beautiful on the outside, that beauty fades. 
Her inner beauty is what God looks at and one day she will want to marry a man
who desires for a woman who fears the Lord. That is what is truly beautiful.
Micah's gift from Mommy and Daddy his first pocket knife and mini flashlight.  
Mommy and Daddy's gift to Lexi a Big Book of Things to Spot.  I want to start working with Lexi on her numbers past 5 and this book will be fun to go through with her. 

1 comment:

  1. we love you mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LOVE, your kids


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