Friday, November 30, 2012

Pilgrims Week 4

Our read-aloud for the month is Pilgrim Stories by Margaret Pumphrey.


A Strong Tower
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10)

We imagined running into a strong tower to get out of a terrible storm.  What does the tower do for us?  It keeps us safe. 

But does the tower keep us safe if we don't run into it? No, if we stay outside in the storm, we can't get the help or protection of the tower.  You have to run inside.  And to get God's protection, we have to run to Him, too.

We listened to this song and the kids drew themselves running into a tower.


We read the chapter The Voyage of the "Mayflower".

Lauren and Micah drew Mayflower ships as I read the chapter.


Hannah did a notebooking page.  Page can be found at

The kids also completed an English flag worksheet

We then viewed the following picture and went over the discussion questions I added to the bottom of their picture. (You can obtain the picture and questions at the link below)

In our reading today it talked of John Howland, who was flung into the sea by the waves.
 "John Howland Overboard"
 by the English marine artist, Dr. Mike Haywood

Jehovah-Sabaoth,The Lord of Hosts

"You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. (1 Samuel 17:45)

David saw a big giant and his army but he knew God was even bigger and stronger.  David knew that God is Jehovah-Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts.  A "host" is an army.  God has hosts of angels, armies of angels, that He can send to fight for His people and for His great name.

Today I made a word search puzzle off the Internet with all the names of God we have learned this far.

We read chapters Water Babies, Land, and The First Washing Day in New England.
I gave the kids a picture of Cape Cod and the boot shaped peninsula of Massachusetts along with some data.  We learned what a peninsula was when we studied Italy, so this was great review of their geography terms. 

We then went over "The First Explorations."  This covered three photos of Cape Cod as the Pilgrims might have first seen it.

Lauren and Micah drew pictures of their favorite parts of the chapter The First Washing Day in New England.

Jehovah-Jireh, The Lord Will Provide

We read the story of Abraham and Isaac.
Genesis 22: 1-19

Then we all shared how God has provided for our family.  This was such a beautiful time around the table.

We read the chapter A Wild Land.

We learned another symbol of Thanksgiving is corn.  The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and helped them survive the bitter winter of 1620.

Picture of Corn Hill with monument, named by the Pilgrims.

We snacked on popcorn while the kids built their wigwam.

 Our first attempt we followed on how to make wigwams, this was not successful. Our mud paste kept sliding down our bowl. This site said wigwams were made from earth,sticks, water and animal skins.

The woodland Indians built wigwams out of mud, sticks, water and animal skins for shelter during a hunting exposition, then left it when they moved on to the next place.

Read more: How to Make a Wigwam Diorama |

 Lexi really enjoyed playing in the mud.  In this picture she said she was dumping the mud out of the glass.  We had mud all over the kitchen.

So after a little more research online we found another link that said wigwams were made of wooden frames which are covered with woven mats and sheets of birchbark.  The frame could be shaped like a dome, like a cone, or like a rectangle with an arched roof.  Below is a copy of the information and pictures we found.

So we decided to go about our own way of making the wigwams.  We took Styrofoam balls cut them in fourths and glued them to paper plates.  Then we hunted for bendable branches in the yard to make their frames. The kids had to finish the rest on their own.

Here is what they came up with.





Today we mainly focused on our basics of Math, Reading and English.  To be honest I just felt tired.

The only thing we did in reference to the Pilgrims was a picture study and poem on

The Landing Pilgrim Fathers.

You can find it at

Micah and Lauren completed the first five questions and Hannah had to complete all 13 questions and was assigned to write a paper on Monday using the outline and questions from

Last week our young ladies study group made books of the lies that they believe about themselves.  After they made it we burned them and prayed for the girls to know and trust in the Truth.

Then the girls used scrapbook supplies to create a book of Truths for their lives.  I reminded them not to put their words but God's because there is only power in His Word.

Hannah and another girl missed last week so she came over and we did it with them.

Hannah had the lie that she couldn't be herself around others.  This really hit me hard because I am the one who has flamed that lie.  My sweet Hannah can be quite quirky, funny, imaginative and odd at times.  We love that about her.  She always has us laughing and it those traits that I believe make her such a creative writer and great at orchestrating plays.

Someone who doesn't know Hannah I thought might look upon her differently and be mean to her, so the times Hannah has asked me if she can be REALLY goofy around new people I would say, "I would around your close friends but not someone you don't know well."

These words I spoke in trying to protect are the very words that brought harm to her. 

God revealed to me that I am not her Strong Tower, He is.  She is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) that she is His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) and if she is crazy it is for God (2 Cor. 5:13).

I will no longer tell Hannah not to be herself around anyone.  I praise God for His workmanship and if someone else can't appreciate her sense of humor or if someone is unkind to her with words or lies  it won't matter, because she will know the TRUTH.

The next morning I asked Hannah for her forgiveness and we prayed His TRUTH over her.  Then she created a book of Truths to keep close by.

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