Saturday, October 13, 2012

Are beautiful girls worth more?

Our girl's youth group is doing the study Lies Young Women Believe.  Two weeks ago we talked about the lie that "beautiful girls are worth more."

A little over a week ago Hannah really shined of true beauty in the eyes of the Lord, so I asked daddy to bring home a rose for Hannah.  The night he got home we gave it to her and praised her, for her outside reflected the beauty within.

We led her to Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

We shared with her that man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
True beauty is within and that is what is reflected on the outside.


It's been  a little over a week since we gave Hannah her rose.

Hannah came to me this morning exclaiming, "Mom, my flower is dying and nothing is working to keep it alive."  She put it by a window and opened the blinds.  She left it outside in the sun.  She attempted at as many ways imaginable in her mind to keep its beauty from fleeting.  I told her to grab her Bible and open up to Proverbs 31:30 as a reminder of what God's Word tells us about beauty.

I said to her, "Remember when your acts of godly character and we praised you and gave you this flower?  Those acts of godly character represented a young virtuous lady that had true beauty, one who feared the Lord."

This flower had beauty, but its beauty faded. What the world thinks is beautiful is fleeting.

I reminded her that she was beautiful because of her love for the Lord, her fear of the Lord, her desire to be pleasing unto Him.

I then had her look in the mirror and state I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  My outside reflects my inside.  I am truly beautiful!

I then prayed over her.  I prayed she would not fall prey to the worlds ideas of beauty but that she would hold fast to God's Truth on beauty.

I prayed for her future husband, that he would be a man who falls in love with her because of her:  fear of the Lord, her passion for Christ, her compassion for others, her desire to serve others, her desire to be a godly woman and to give her life unto the Lord.

 Dear PEEPS:  TODAY GO CRAZY FOR GOD.  Have a good week all peeps.

                                                                    FROM: ME, HANNAH

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Such an important message for our daughters, wish more mom's took the time to teach this. I love reading your blog because it gives me such wonderful ideas for when my daughters are older. I must say though that Hannah is absolutely beautiful! Looks just like you :)


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